Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

200 videos found

Raising Dopamine with THINK with Lana Morrow
Open Minds
Is there a simple solution to kicking our brains into a higher gear? Neuroscientist and neuropsychologist, Lana Morrow has found a way to do just that, with a non-invasive device she invented, called THINK.
Floating Souls & Aligned Evolution
Open Minds
What is required of humanity to move into our next steps of balanced evolution? Channeler and author Lee Harris channels the Zs to offer their higher dimensional perspective on how humanity must release base emotions to transcend trials and tribulations.
Navigating Global Transformation with Lee Harris
Open Minds
As we try to navigate these turbulent times, many of us feel the pull to help others with their spiritual ascension work. Lee Harris returns with an important message from the Zs who offer tools for deftly navigating the global transformation that is upon us.
Open Minds
Edgar Cayce offered hope that crystal technology was not forever lost.
New Modalities of Chakra Healing with Bill McKenna
Open Minds
Bill McKenna returns to show us how to work with chakras to bring healing to body and soul, as well as resolve conflicts in our relationships. Plus, he offers deeper insights to working with the eighth chakra for erasing trauma.
Recharging Your Biofield Voltage
Open Minds
How can we change the voltage of our electric selves? Eileen Day McKusick discusses the human biofield and how we can use physical activity, nutrition, and mindfulness of past experiences to align with the energies of the natural world around us.
Nassim Haramein on Unification Theory (Part 2)
Conscious Media Network
In this second of a two-part interview, Nassim Haramein discusses the application of technologies, beginning in Lemuria.
Manifesting Inner Wealth with Belinda Womack
Open Minds
There really is something blocking you from achieving the wealth that you seek, and it is deep within. Belinda Womack returns to channel archangels and financial masters to help you tap into your own creative power and achieve true inner wealth.
A Vatican Exile on Reincarnation & Cosmology
Open Minds
How can a priest barred from the Vatican help us explore reincarnation? Licensed clinical psychologist, theologian, and priest Sean O'Laoire joins Open Minds to share his studies into the divine nature of the universe.
Sacred Geometry & Empowered Action
Open Minds
How can Sacred Geometry help us create better alignments with our energetic bodies? Robert J. Gilbert, Ph.D., returns to Gaia to delve into Sacred Geometry and how it can aid us in acknowledging and shifting patterns in our lives.
Positive Mind & The Miracle Club with Mitch Horowitz
Open Minds
Mitch Horowitz reveals insights from one of the original organizations in the positive mind movement of the late 1800s, The Miracle Club, and what made their practices so successful. He offers tools and techniques, that you can start using today.
Breaking Archontic Control with David Icke
Open Minds
David Icke calls us to question the nature of the reality that we are living in, so that we can see the machinations manipulating our minds into lower states. Breaking free from this archontic control enables us to tap into a reality beyond these projected paradigms.
I Ching and the Future of Divination
Open Minds
Delve deep into the history and uses of the I Ching and hexagram reinterpretation.
Yogic Life & Akashic Records
Open Minds
Rohini Moradi shares with Regina Meredith how her physical and spiritual journey as a mother led her to an understanding of how to access the Akashic Records. As a teacher and guide, she now shows others how to read the Akashic Records, which record humanity's individual and collective destinies.
Tuning the Human Biofield with Eileen Day McKusick
Open Minds
Eileen Day McKusick explains that the same electricity which powers the stars, powers the life and vitality of our own bodies. Learn to tap into the resonance of the electromagnetic field of the body, with a specially tuned tuning fork, and untangle blockages in the human biofield.
Dreaming Parallel Realities with Robert Moss
Open Minds
Have you ever travelled to another reality, or met an alternate version of yourself? As science comes to terms with the many worlds theory, Robert Moss has already identified a means of exploring parallel realities through dreaming.
Sacred Geometry in Our Lives with Robert Gilbert
Open Minds
Sacred Geometry shows us how the connection between science and spirit become limitless. Dr. Robert Gilbert, director of the Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies, explains that spiritual and vibrational sciences are universal across wisdom traditions.
Balancing the Chaos
Open Minds
What is the current direction of humanity's evolution? Legendary channeler Lee Harris returns to Gaia to share profound and timely insights from his channeled guides, The Z’s.