Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

200 videos found

A Logical Approach to the Afterlife with Raymond Moody
Open Minds
Dr. Raymond Moody is in pursuit of a rational understanding of near death experiences and the afterlife. He has developed new rules of logic which may finally yield a means for conceptualizing these ineffable experiences of life after life.
Finding Purpose Through Divination
Open Minds
Divination tools can help us find our true purpose. Master dowser Jean Slatter returns to Gaia to share her guidance on how it is possible to tap into divine wisdom to build an understanding of our path to self-discovery.
Encounters With Norse Land Spirits
Open Minds
Is it possible that we have access to Will, known as “Orlog,” awaiting our inquiry?
Manifesting Inner Wealth with Belinda Womack
Open Minds
There really is something blocking you from achieving the wealth that you seek, and it is deep within. Belinda Womack returns to channel archangels and financial masters to help you tap into your own creative power and achieve true inner wealth.
Manjir Samanta-Laughton on Time and the Genius Groove
Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton, author of Punk Science, shared her ideas on quantum physics and the key to understanding consciousness.
Taking Your Place in the Universe with Steven Ross
Open Minds
A time is coming where you may feel the calling to take your place in the universe and accept your spiritual gifts.
EMF Pollution of Our Immune System
Open Minds
Can the corporate will to maintain a wired world be curbed to defend against EMFs?
Achieving Golden Consciousness with Lee Harris
Open Minds
Multiple sources tell us that a higher frequency of energy has come to our planet which is actively accelerating conscious evolution. Lee Harris returns once again to channel the Zs who discuss the implications of the arrival of this new energy upon our planet.
Our Non-Linear Selves with Joe Dispenza
Healing Matrix
When we reach out from the body, beyond the physical world to contact our higher selves, we can manifest incredible healing and creativity. Dr Joe Dispenza explains how the pineal gland plays a key role in the rise of Kundalini and connects us with our non-linear selves.
Navigating Global Transformation with Lee Harris
Open Minds
As we try to navigate these turbulent times, many of us feel the pull to help others with their spiritual ascension work. Lee Harris returns with an important message from the Zs who offer tools for deftly navigating the global transformation that is upon us.
Open Minds
Renowned medium and author Salicrow rejoins Regina Meredith to delve into the realm of spirit communication in her latest book, Spirit Speaker: A Medium's Guide to Death and Dying.
Neuroplasticity with Lucid Dreaming with Charlie Morley
Open Minds
What if there was a way to maximize your sleep-time to build muscle, expand consciousness and solve problems? Charley Morley explains how we can use lucid dreaming to rewire our brains and improve every aspect of the waking world.
Ancient Secrets for Modern Manifestation
Open Minds
Healer and mystic Steven Ross returns to Open Minds to share excerpts from his personal library and delves into how these ancient alchemical secrets can guide us into greater contact with our higher selves and miraculous healing abilities.
Honing Clairvoyant Capabilities
Open Minds
Wisdom teacher and writer Kaedrich Olsen speaks about his spiritualist upbringing and how he learned to recognize synchronicities in his life, and now works to teach people to connect with the supernatural in ways that are beneficial
Traversing Parallel Realities with Jason Quitt
Open Minds
Jason Quitt explains how you can experience your multi-dimensional existence by getting out of your body to explore other realities and alternate timelines. His insights can help you successfully and safely traverse previously unfathomable realms of existence.
Sonia Barrett on The Holographic Canvas
Conscious Media Network
Sonia Barrett, author of The Holographic Canvas: The Fusing of Mind and Matter, discusses how we create our reality, extend our time on Earth, and much more. Join this fascinating ride into the nature of perception.
Open Minds
What do we know about humanity's cosmic destiny and the 22 "star races" that still affect us? Galactic historian Debbie Solaris returns to Gaia to speak about the answers she has gained through reading the Galactic Akashic Records.
Atlantean Secrets of the Sphinx
Open Minds
Are there ancient secrets buried beneath the Sphinx? Hypnotherapist and past life regressionist Sarah Breskman Cosme shares details of her clients’ memories from their past lives of a forgotten history surrounding Atlantis.