Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

200 videos found

How To Unlock Powerful Tarot Readings
Open Minds
How does your emotional state impact the result of your tarot reading? John Sandbach, author of "Soul Journey Through the Tarot,” shares ancient symbolism and numerology within Tarot and stresses the often overlooked significance of mindset and questioning techniques. Could adjusting these aspects truly unlock better outcomes of a Tarot reading?
Open Minds
Regina Meredith
Host Regina Meredith interviews thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries, and tireless researchers. Her talk show provides crucial information to awaken viewers to new perspectives that spark awareness, understanding, and transformation.
Life's Purpose: Destiny in Your Hands
Open Minds
Do you hold the entire world within the palm of your hands, including your life’s purpose? According to Vernon Mahabal, a respected Palmist and Director of The Palmistry Institute, our hands serve as tangible reflections of our soul's journey.
Love & Destiny Cards in a Common Deck
Open Minds
What if a common card deck holds the clues to a soul’s destiny and love in this lifetime? Author Robert Lee Camp reintroduces an original divination tool found in Diamonds, Spades, Hearts, and Clubs based on quadratic spreads of Atlantean origin.
Atlantis: Humanity's Role & Earth's Rhythms
Open Minds
Was the fall of Atlantis due to natural forces or distorted individuals with access to advanced technology?
Open Minds
What role did Arcturians and angels play in ancient Egypt?
Divination for a Magical Life with Radleigh Valentine
Open Minds
Radleigh Valentine explores a wide array of divination methods, such as Tarot cards, runes, numerology, and I Ching. His goal is to take the away the fear so that we can discover the spark of the divine within and live a magical life.
The Astral Method & Intuitive Astrology
Open Minds
If we deepen our understanding of horoscopes, can we work with astrological influences to shape outcomes? Mercedes Arnus Arraut, an intuitive astrologer born to read the stars, says yes – it is possible to harness the power of the zodiac.
EMF & the Energy of Life with Konstantin Korotkov
Open Minds
Does our health really suffer from electromagnetic fields (EMF)? Biophysicist Konstantin Korokovdiscusses how various biological fields can be influenced by the energy of our environment.
Dream State & Rescripting Reality
Open Minds
What if our dreams are expressions of future memory? According to Theresa Cheung, an expert decoder of dreams, when we feel like we’ve done something before that’s because we have — in our dreams.
Soul Contracts & Quantum Medicine
Open Minds
Is it possible that a doctor’s treatment can be enhanced by their quantum knowledge?
Hypnotherapy & Entity Attachment
Open Minds
How can we use hypnotherapy as a tool to heal unexplained trauma? Hypnotherapist Laurie McDonald discusses misdiagnosed entity attachment, weaponized telepathy, and the increase in reports by humans who feel non-humans around us.
Finding Purpose Through Divination
Open Minds
Divination tools can help us find our true purpose. Master dowser Jean Slatter returns to Gaia to share her guidance on how it is possible to tap into divine wisdom to build an understanding of our path to self-discovery.
Raising Dopamine with THINK with Lana Morrow
Open Minds
Is there a simple solution to kicking our brains into a higher gear? Neuroscientist and neuropsychologist, Lana Morrow has found a way to do just that, with a non-invasive device she invented, called THINK.
Discover Your Psychic Gifts with Cyndi Dale
Open Minds
What are your psychic gifts? Cyndi Dale offers an in-depth explanation of our innate psychic abilities, known as the clair senses, and reveals the various ways we receive subtle information.
Working Through Trauma with Tiffany Barsotti
Open Minds
Tiffany Barsotti recounts how she put the brakes on negative emotional reactions to overcome the effects of fear.
Hopi Prophecy & Transhumanism
Open Minds
An indigenous hieroglyph on a stone in Arizona shows two paths... revhumanism and transhumanism.
Dispelling the Myth of the Witch with Tom Hatsis
Open Minds
Tom Hatsis scrutinized medieval documentation of witches and has uncovered a history mired in misogyny and persecution against peaceful practitioners of folk medicine who used entheogens as part of their worship of an ancient fertility goddess.